Responsible Forest Management

At China Forestry Group NZ, we love our trees and we know forests are hugely important to our environment. We strongly believe in sustainable and responsible forestry management.

We deeply understand how forestry operations affect the ecosystem and native species in our forests. That’s why we are sincerely committed to protecting the environment through comprehensive management and rigorous site assessment. We make sure our forests thrive for our future generations.

We follow the best practice standards at all times.


Our leading principles are:

  • We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and nationally-ratified international treaties, conventions and agreements
  • We aim to maintain and enhance the social and economic wellbeing of all people who utilize our forests for their income
  • We uphold indigenous peoples’ legal and customary rights of ownership, use and management of land, territories and resources affected by management activities
  • We contribute to maintaining or enhancing the social and economic wellbeing of local communities
  • We efficiently manage our products and services to maintain or enhance long-term economic viability and the range of environmental and social benefits
  • We maintain, conserve and restore ecosystem services and environmental values and avoid any negative environmental impacts
  • We have a consistent management plan to promote adaptive management, guide staff, inform affected and interested stakeholders
  • We work towards achieving efficient management to monitor and evaluate the scale, intensity and risks
  • Our management activities are consistent with China Forestry Group New Zealand’s economic, environmental and social policies and objectives
  • We maintain and enhance conservation values in our estates through applying the precautionary approach to management and operational decisions